The cheap eyeglasses from Zenni Optical

12:59 AM
Several days ago, I read an article from New York Times titled Seeing Straight Without Breaking Bank. New York Times recommend us to visit Zenni Optical if we want to purchase the cheap eyeglasses. Zenni Optical in New York Times?! Sure. Zenni Optical sell Prescription eyeglasses for only $8! Visit Zenni Optical to check it.

Look at the eyeglasses beside! I like it so much. It is Bendable (Memory) Titanium Half Rim Frame. The price is only $12.95.

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  1. Murah juga ya Bro Kacamatanya. Kacamataku juga dah minta ganti nih. Apa kabar?

  2. wew 8 dollar? mending beli di malioboro :D
