Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

10:21 PM
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009?! Hello readers, I am sorry at this entry I wouldn’t discuss about Learning English, but at this opportunity I would like to support my Master, Kang Rohman, to the SEO Contest that is held by Pogung177. Kang Rohman has given the big contribution to my blog and given the great education about blogging.

Talking about Pemilu Indonesia (Indonesian election), Pogung177 has created the great idea to hold the contest. For me, not only the contest that make me proud, but also the idea about Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009, that means Peace Campaign on Indonesian Election 2009. It should be the mirror to the Indonesia Politicians that Indonesian People loves Peace.

OK readers, I think it’s enough for now. Let’s shout together Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.

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  1. I hope the goverment and the legislative candidates hear this message bro.

  2. pertamaxx, good job for Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

  3. iya ches..btw kemana aja nih..selamat utk domain barunya yah..sy agak turun semangat ngeblognya, tp ngeliat Mas Ches bikin domain baru jd semangat lagi nih..

  4. Terima kasih, hatur nuhun, Thank you, kamsiah, arigato, hehehe. Mungkin hanya itu kata yang bisa ku ucapkan.

  5. walah..., hope you can be one of those top ten. I'm supporting you!

  6. Mau dunk dapet dukungan dari sini…

    kampanye nih…

    siapa tahu yang punya site berkenan
