Have and have got

12:14 PM
Somebody asked me the difference between "have" and "have got" in a sentence. He or she didn't mention his or her name. It doesn't matter. I hope my explanation will be useful for you and all reader.

"have" or "have got" can be used to speak about possession, relationship, or other states. We can possibly use both of them.

Find out at the examples below:

I have a new car or I have got a new car
I have a house in Jakarta or I have got a house in Jakarta
I have a cold or I have got a cold
I don't have a new car or I haven't got a new car
Do you have a cold? or Have you got a cold?

However, when "have" is used to speak about the actions or experiences, "have got" is not possible.

I will have a shower at 2 o'clock. Not: I will have got a shower at 2 o'clock
I will have a party tomorrow. Not: I will have got a party tomorrow.

Well, that is all from me.

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  1. Kayanya Ches ini guru B.Inggris nih..

  2. @yusa sepertinya sih begitu...

  3. wah, pelajaran yang bermutu nih .....mirip dengan pertanyaan aku waktu masih kecil dulu....

    mana yang benar:
    bukan jalan tol atau jalan bukan tol
    .....heheheheh sampai saat ini aku juga masih dibingungkan oleh kata kata itu, maukah tolong memberikan jawaban aku nih...hehehehehe

    makasih dah mampir, maaf baru bisa dateng lagi nih.....
