Below are some very popular abbreviation and used frequently. You will see those in pronunciation because it’s commonly used in speaking. But some are commonly used in writing such as in Novel, magazine, and so on, for these words/phrases will be given the sign asterisk (*).
Standard ==> Abbreviation ==> Example ==> Notes
And ==> ‘n ==> where ya going? ==> ya can be followed one and more words.
Because ==> ‘cause (*) ==> I hate her ‘cause she’s very arrogant
Does she ==> dushi ==> Dushi speak English?
Give me ==> gimme (*) ==> Gimme the money!
Going to ==> gonna/gonnu (*) ==> I’m gonna give you my shoes/I’m gonnu ask him.
Get out of here ==> get outta here (read: ged oudda here)
and many others.
Do you wanna know the others? Don’t miss it to read next posting!
Or find in the related posts below!
pagi mas Ches..ada PR buat mas Ches di blog sy tolong kerjakan yah..