Terms used in Computer and Internet

12:07 AM

If you are still learning English and then you find many terms used in a particular subject or discipline, e.g. the terms used in Computer and Internet, you may feel confused because many of the terms are not suitable with the meaning you are learning. Yeah, that’s so-called the terms. They are not the words meaning as they are. Therefore, you have to learn more and more to improve your English so that you can understand English that are used in any subject or discipline. Below are the English words as the terms used in Computer and Internet.


What do you think a mouse is? Here, mouse is not a mouse that has four legs, two eyes, and so on, as an animal. In the computer term, mouse is a small device used to navigate and operate any application in a computer.

Web Browser

Web Browser is used to view websites and or any web application on the Internet, as you are doing right now. What are your web browser? Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or what?


Modem is a device used to receive the data or signals from the Internet for the first time before you can view them on your web browser.


Virus is a piece of software or application that can attack your computer system.

And there are many other terms used in Computer and Internet. Can you help us mention some of them here?

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