Irregular Verbs

5:34 PM

In the former post, I have discussed about Active Voice. As we have know that active voice is formed by “to be + V3/past participle. Well, today I will give you some of irregular verbs from base form/present, past, and past participle.



Past Participle

be was, were been
become became become
buy bought bought
cut cut cut
come came come
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt

Well, today I can’t give all the irregular verbs, because there are still many. But, I promise that I will give someday. I am sorry because today I am so so busy.

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  1. great job...can I learn english here..Your english look like really good

  2. klo presentnya brang, kesana breng dan brong. jadi klo disusun jadi brang breng brong, heu..heu..

  3. wah belajar inggris dulu nih.. ikutan ah..
